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2023 Yearbook Executive Summary and Facts & Figures

Following the publication of the 2023 Yearbook, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) is pleased to release the accompanying 2023 Yearbook Executive Summary • Facts & Figures! 

Read and download the document here  

This first-of-its-kind document is designed for executive readers and features all the key highlights from each of the Yearbook’s four sections in a newly designed format: 

  • Policy & Programmes: space policy highlights and trends, and major space programme developments. 
  • Industry & Innovation: launcher and satellite industry developments. 
  • Economy & Business: global and European space economy indicators. 
  • Launches & Satellites: space activity statistics, mission highlights and ESPI launch log. 

Find the Executive Summary • Facts & Figures in the gallery below: 

Read and download the 2023 Yearbook in its entirety here.

ESPI Point of Contact for all Yearbook material is Research Fellow seconded by DLR and Germany & Austria Relations Officer, Lina Pohl. She can be reached here.

I am pleased to introduce to you this 2023 edition of the ESPI Yearbook [and accompanying Executive Summary]. This long-established annual publication has gained a solid reputation over the years for being a reliable source of information and a useful tool for monitoring the development of European space policy in a global context.

H. Ludwig Moeller Director, ESPI

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