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ESPI makes a presentation on the Hague Code of Conduct

On March 31st, ESPI researcher Mathieu Bataille took part in a French-speaking workshop organised by the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) on the topic of the Hague Code of Conduct (HCoC). The HCoC is a non-proliferation instrument on ballistic missiles that also contains specific measures related to space launch vehicles

Mr. Bataille gave a presentation addressing the link between the HCoC and the development of space programmes and focused on three specific aspects:

  • The inherent duality of the space sector
  • The multiplication of new actors, in particular in the micro-launcher field, in the frame of the New Space trend (how to implement the HCoC in such an evolving environment?)
  • The increasing importance of the military dimension of space (could the HCoC serve as a model to regulate behaviours in this field?)


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