

The Yearbook on Space Policy is an annual publication, which provides an overview of major developments and trends in space policy, industry, programmes, economy and overall worldwide activity over the year. The ESPI Yearbook does not aim to be comprehensive but rather to provide useful information, data and insights on a selection of topics expected to shape the future of the global and European space sector.

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ESPI Reports offer an in-depth perspective and analysis on one specific topic or issue. Written by our Research Fellows, they combine thorough independent analysis with vision in order to formulate policy advice and recommendations.

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The purpose of ESPI Briefs is to address decision makers and others and draw attention to issues and challenges which might otherwise not receive the attention they deserve.

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ESPI Insights offers a synthetic overview of major developments in the global space sector on the covered period and provides useful links to official documents, public reports, web articles or conference websites for further details on the issue.

8 August 2024

ESPI Insights for July 2024 is out!

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